Frans.Sellies: ABM (Another Blue Monday) / The fish market (سوق السمك) in Kuwait city
Dragan*: Bellis
Phil Marion (232 million views - THANKS): miniature rain forest frog - Monteverde, Costa Rica
kenny barker: On thin ice
JoannaRB2009: December
vitorrrvieira: Levanta da sua cama, hoje o céu está INCRÍVEL!
La ventana de Alvaro: Rocas que no quieren ser arena
Jashir: Brutus
Pete 5D...©...: Wait for the right moment and; click to you Siberian Tiger!
cham_: nuages du soir (through my window)
Andrea di Florio (10.000.000 views!!!): Lago di Campotosto - Albero contro sole
suzan veldhoen..time out..........: morning has broken ..............
Luís Biggi: À Beira do Caminho
Alcol75: S.T.
zemotion: Cold Flowers V
In Memoriam: L I C H T B I L D E R: The Way of the White Clouds
Maximo Panés: Friends
lisa ♡: dambo e pep
Ignazio Corda: Bacarozzo con pigiamino a righe, scometto che se lo premi suona 2...!!!!!!!
ivanpenaphoto: There's Nothing Like This
Garebear400: Cute Happens
Luca Bobbiesi: Mountains Layers
oldwolf.: Beautiful Sand .