E_W_Photo: Papercourt Lock Sunset, River Wey - Surrey
E_W_Photo: Bermondsey River Cat - London
rinus64: Pimpelmees - Cyanistes caeruleus
rinus64: Keep - Fringilla montifringilla
rinus64: Pimpelmees - Cyanistes caeruleus
Wilma1962*: Spring is on the way
E_W_Photo: Southampton Docks Sunset - Hampshire
leonarduk: St Paul's
Gladys Klip: Kwak / black-crowned night heron / bihoreau gris
nick.linda: Siskin - Female (Spinus spinus)
yabberdab: House of the Rising Sun
Chrisnaton: winter tree
G.Claesson: " Now I'm flying towards a new destination"
rinus64: Zilvermeeuw - Larus argentatus
davolly59: Robin
Martha de Jong-Lantink: Northern Goshawk (male) - Havik (man) (Accipiter gentillis) ...
Martha de Jong-Lantink: Op het strand van 's-Gravenzande ...
E_W_Photo: Ramsgate Marina - Kent
Martha de Jong-Lantink: Little owl - Steenuil (Athene noctua) ...
nick.linda: Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)
nick.linda: Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
davolly59: Beautiful Demoiselle (Calopteryx virgo )
Martha de Jong-Lantink: Fallow deer (male) - Damhert (man) (Dama dama) ...
Rich Mayer Photography: FoxCubPortrait1 (2)smaller
Foto Martien: Autumn forrest
Dick. Stewart ---: The waiting game.
E_W_Photo: Towanroath Engine House - Wheal Coates - Cornwall
E_W_Photo: Priest's Cove Sunset - Cape Cornwall
E_W_Photo: Pedn Vounder Sunrise - Porthcurno - Cornwall