G.Claesson: Look at the feet of the fly.
G.Claesson: Gråhäger / Grey Heron
G.Claesson: Now there are many babies out in our nature. Here is a newborn Common Gull
G.Claesson: It came close and was not afraid
G.Claesson: Mindre Strandpipare / Little Ringed Plover
G.Claesson: Mindre Strandpipare / Little Ringed Plover
G.Claesson: Fyrfläckig Trollslända / Dragonfly
G.Claesson: Now it's spring and for the little animals it's a stressful time
G.Claesson: Turkduva / Eurasian Collared Dove
G.Claesson: Now it's spring
G.Claesson: Domherre / Eurasian Bullfinsh
G.Claesson: The Black-headed Gull has caught something yummy to eat.
G.Claesson: Domherre / Eurasian Bullfinsh
G.Claesson: The little Great Tit takes a break on top of a tree
G.Claesson: Fish on the menu
G.Claesson: Here is one of all the Deer that visit my garden to look for food.
G.Claesson: Winter
G.Claesson: Gråsiska / Common Redpoll / Carduelis flammea
G.Claesson: Happy New Year to all of you!
G.Claesson: Small decoration in my outdoor tree
G.Claesson: I wish you a Merry Christmas !
G.Claesson: Red-backed Shrike The picture is from the summer of 2023
G.Claesson: A small Eurasian Siskin / Grönsiska /taking a little break.
G.Claesson: Now it's winter and the snow has arrived. Here comes a Common Chaffinch to eat some bird seed that I put out in my garden.
G.Claesson: White-tailed Eagle
G.Claesson: White-tailed Eagle / Havsörn
G.Claesson: Eurasian Nuthatch / Nötväcka
G.Claesson: Pied Avocet / Skärfläcka
G.Claesson: Northern Bald Ibis / Eremitibis
G.Claesson: It is autumn here in Sweden and it is dark in the forest. A ray of sunlight found its way down through the trees and found the mushroom