alaska12: Contemplating life...
Christine Lebrasseur: T'es toujours là mon ange - [Louis 2]
*Guilda*: Innocence
Greg Neise: 20081216_220857
MISph1t: Unhappy girl
Talking Tree Photo: Old Sheep Corral
Dog Is Love: Sweeper's Limerick Legacy, AKA "Limerick"
Marco Delvecchio: il mare.una cosa che bisognerà affrontare.
Mark R. Tsang: 09 28 03_Lookouthills_6345Larch Sun Fog
Grooover: Sunset At Ma's
Luigi Alighieri: Milly black angel
ravenstar911: The complexity that is Samantha
Xtophotos: Hendrix
ravenstar911: Your guess is better than mine
Captured Moments By Angela: Wishing I had lightroom!
swainboat: Junked
stkone: Shelby GT-350 weiß vr
jay el: 1950 Plymouth Coupe
stewood: love
larry wfu: DSC00331
javaad agha: Sunset in Milford 2
Dog Is Love: Say Aaaahhh!
whitbywoof: Scruff
pominoz: Twins
Jenny Lewelling: "Dazed and Confused"
Clark Westfield: School Bus
Katka B.: Flag