blue439: Blood moon
lomokev: Calm Brighton Sea From Earlier This Year
lomokev: Eileen of Brighton Swimming Club
*tara: Amsterdamse Bos
*tara: herfst
lizrary: Sunday Breakfast Before
ken mccown: Villa Wuorio Window To Wall Detail
eatingsnowflakes: parallel lines
kalevkevad: Detail from the Modenese hills
Jiuck: 290/365 [...This!]
lomokev: harry watts montage portrait
& kathleen: BraidHalloweenFB
& kathleen: IMG_3095
rivadock4: If Elvis Returned as a Moth
eatingsnowflakes: remnants
eatingsnowflakes: hold on
rjswilson: The lake again
36_frames: Kensington Kinetic Sculpture Derby 2009
Eric Sit Properly: Do You Feel My Heart Beating
imemgee: Polaroid
plasticfantastic: Electricity pylon, Nr Boarstall, Buckinghamshire, England
& kathleen: EverestRocks
-= Bruce Berrien =-: Still Going