blue439: Sarah in a hammock
blue439: Man with shoes and fish - Kodak Precision Line Film LPD4 - ISO 4
blue439: Graffiti bridge - Kodak Precision Line Film LPD4 - ISO 4
blue439: LA River - Kodak Precision Line Film LPD4 - ISO 4
blue439: Five ball, late afternoon
blue439: Pine trees hugging in the rain
blue439: Runner at sunset
blue439: Sarah at Joshua Tree
blue439: Hawk and the sun
blue439: Diana in the atrium
blue439: Sunset keyhole
blue439: Getty Museum by night
blue439: Sunset selfie dance
blue439: Spoiler alert
blue439: Friend and friend of friend
blue439: Birds, beach, wharf, Santa Barbara
blue439: Around Lake Hollywood
blue439: After the rain
blue439: Swirly sunset
blue439: Sunset at my favorite spot
blue439: Trail and crow
blue439: Hiking trail
blue439: Scramble and flare
blue439: Cloud bank
blue439: Flight to nowhere
blue439: Palm tree
blue439: Conjoined cherries
blue439: Meditation bench
blue439: Santa Monica sunset
blue439: Nike Missile Control Site LA-96C