digital defect: 49 off 4.0 x 16mm single thread wood screw.
valyeszter: Mima,September 2022
Shannon Ocean: Sneky bois
photos4dreams: knights fights
Reiterlied: 42/52 - Leadership
Reiterlied: Winter is coming
Reiterlied: Sky on Fire
Reiterlied: The Witches
Reiterlied: Where to go now?
Reiterlied: Under the Midnight Sun
Reiterlied: The Computer Science Lab - Second and Third Iterations
Devill Photography: Great Horned Owlet
Lisa Rubino: Dahlia's echo
Marie Brown Cottage Garden: Butterfly's World
m@thilde.: it's time
m@thilde.: Pie day! Hmm!!
m@thilde.: Hello
m@thilde.: Virée
m@thilde.: Shiny
M. Carpentier: Side by Side
Tomo M: Tulips🌷
me.behindthelens: Build , Play, Destroy, Repeat!
Jose Rahona: Green yellow squares
MairéadNiRodaigh: Day 80/365
weeLEGOman: LEGO Spider-Man Noir
Ro Cafe: Happy Valentine's Day!
♡ M i c h e l l e ♡: a broken heart can mend
Bea teDo: 💕Stack of Hearts💕