Tiina Vanhatupa: Enjoy the Silence
55randomclicks: My little window washers.
Blau-LerLer: 聰明機智(並沒有
Chu Things: My Ranran girl is so sweet! I change her scalp and I like her more now. :)
Hagigii: Happy White Day 14/03
Hina...♥: IMGP0538
Lullaby Poem*: 明天(今天才對XD)皮諾丘活動我們在B27-28喔!歡迎來找我們玩~~(*^__^*)/
Lullaby Poem*: Meet @musrosese at MDP8 🌸 It's very busy and hurry today so I didn't take any photos of my booth😣 Hope to join event in Taiwan in the future!! 謝謝大家今天的到來!! 因為位置問題沒有帶很多現貨,大家都很熱情客氣,搞得我都不好意思了>////< 期待下次再在台灣DP見面喔!!
madeleine♥: "Benny"
madeleine♥: "Flowers of Amelia"
superoyfc: Shush...
CoNa*: Rose
*TatianaB*: * * *
viridian house: Working on a Volks DWC 02 #faceup - there will be another DWC this year, and the new doll head looks nice! #bjd
♥YinYin♥: OMG~~
madeleine♥: Karel♡
Iisa Roosa: printemps ♡
Hagigii: Milky: What's with your get-up? You look like someone from the last century. And aren't you hot at all? it's already like summer here. (-。-; Meru: This is Sai-san's request, so I'll just endure it and do my best (´・_・`)
-Poison Girl-: Dulcipica - March custom
cnvl: snow splash!