sam`s flickr: Lyndel's quilt, Calico & Ivy
Vējš matos aka Elizabeth Cat: Close and personal
hyena-in-petticoats: A Year of Knitting
renegadecraft: The 1st Ever Renegade Craft Fair London
cmlarose1: Teal/Espresso stool
Insung from NAMOO: Circles and Dots Lap Quilt
Rangoli45: Tufet
Rangoli45: wagon wheels Close up
Peppermint Pinwheels: Green Sunburst Quilt
Cut To Pieces: 3 x 6 Bee Sample
JessToye: Pebble Sample
SewKellySews: Solids Challenge - Quilting
mommy to the B: Christmas tree skirt
EraPhernalia Vintage . . . [''playin' hook-y''] ;o: Crocheted hyperbolic pseudosphere, completed — my favorite side
the purl bee: Mini Quilt of the Month, February: Circular Applique
lara-simpson: The Philatelic Society
katxn: Blocks 1 to 4
sunshine's creations: progress on 500 mini yoyo quilt
Cor de Rosa: O jardim
kelbysews: Wonderland quilt top finished
melbangel: Frilly Front Blue with Yellow Slippers
freeform by prudence: Crochet Bullion Stitch Motifs
maximum.mouse: Crocheted hearts blanket
namolio: more pincushions
Flannel Flowers: Crochet: Vivid Dreams Blanket Completed!
Hand Knitted Things: Starburst Crochet Cushions
Hand Knitted Things: Starburst Poppy Red
Quoin: Crochet Hyperbolic Pseudosphere - Pastel / White - (ordered)
moimamy: "les champignons"