Flannel Flowers: 2015-09-01 14.45.22
Flannel Flowers: 2015-08-18 12.58.32
Flannel Flowers: 2015-08-10 12.13.50
Flannel Flowers: 2015-08-09 12.41.29
Flannel Flowers: 2015-08-08 15.31.04
Flannel Flowers: 2015-07-28 15.58.18
Flannel Flowers: 2015-07-18 13.13.00
Flannel Flowers: 2015-07-14 15.05.32
Flannel Flowers: 2015-07-11 13.40.32
Flannel Flowers: 2015-07-09 12.31.58
Flannel Flowers: 2015-07-05 11.20.28-6
Flannel Flowers: 2015-07-04 12.44.21
Flannel Flowers: 2015-07-03 16.07.01
Flannel Flowers: 2015-07-02 14.39.15
Flannel Flowers: My microns are on the way out so I'm giving them a helping hand.
Flannel Flowers: Doodle Tweet! The stamp that wasn't meant to be.
Flannel Flowers: I wasn't going to do any carving for this project, but the snow gum tops could come in handy later.
Flannel Flowers: Pink Eyes: For when your contact lens breaks up in your eye and you still can't get it out after two days.
Flannel Flowers: Some days you just have to go with it. #tombow
Flannel Flowers: Was going for a flower, got a dog: I think I need to go for a walk. #Tombow
Flannel Flowers: Perhaps should have started this #cowl sooner. It's freezing today!
Flannel Flowers: Fabric printing: it's all a little hit & miss at the moment. #designcarveprint
Flannel Flowers: Had to put my Magenta Distractions to one side to do some homework. This week: print off one of your design and use as gift wrap.
Flannel Flowers: Thanks to @alicesheridanstudio guidance, I tried big and bold for my #charcoal mountains. I prefer my 2nd mountain range better, but I trashed it with #gouache so had to start again with this.
Flannel Flowers: Trying to channel Lisa Congdon this morning using one of my gouache backgrounds from yesterday. Perhaps should have gone with a black rather than the grey pen.
Flannel Flowers: Blind drawing is fun! #amonthofduncan
Flannel Flowers: It's on my list...just way down it.
Flannel Flowers: I finally found a great way of dealing with my bad water colouring skills: cover it in doodles, lots of doodles.
Flannel Flowers: Spent the morning coming up with a ways to jazz up Grebe. I'm not keen on the green, but the reed-weed stamp works.
Flannel Flowers: Antbird - can you guess what these birds like to eat?