Alice Milich: Once Upon a Zombie - Snow White
datumzinebeautifulmemories: Monster high repaints and -eybay
Axelspark: Custom Monster High Avea Trotter
customlovers: Avea repaint
森林樹木_Kiki Moribayashi: I'm not going to forgive you all!
Prescilla25: Avea Trotter
ecokarenlee: Vegetable Lasagna
sadeyeddoll: Girls, they never befriend me
Vicki02000: Halloween 10
Dhar_: Monsterhigh Frankie repaint
Dhar_: Clawdeen Wolf
Witch City Nerd Girl (Dollsville, USA): Monster High Student Lounge
custombase: Face of the dead
森林樹木_Kiki Moribayashi: Maneuver with love
SophyMolly: Spectra in red
SaraB GRo: Frankie finished :)
wishingflowerdolls: custom b&w Frankie
- Coop -: Monster High
AniredaDolls: Pixie&Vixie
seiya_mooncat: Gillington Webber, Dexter Charming, Clawd Wolf & Hunter Huntsman
eneida_prince: Slow-Moe
nonaptime: lola-preview
CaptainGirl: My Hoofshake Brings All The Boys To The Yard
♥♥♥❤ ByCrAcOtTe SmAlL ChIp ❤♥♥♥: Ameline & Faustine FC Monster High Draculaura
♥♥♥❤ ByCrAcOtTe SmAlL ChIp ❤♥♥♥: Moly Erika & Amy ( MH Spectra & MH Abbey FC By CrAcOtTe ) Erika MH Ghoulia By Pati d'Onirie
♥♥♥❤ ByCrAcOtTe SmAlL ChIp ❤♥♥♥: Faustine portrait ( Monster High Draculaura FC By CrAcOtTe