Roberto Medone: elegante asiatica
fabrizio daminelli : Xysticus luctuosus and Pyrochroa serraticornis
fabrizio daminelli : fagiano comune - Phasianus colchicus - Linnaeus, 1758
JDS-photo: Llanberis Pass
matiasalsi: DSC_2957
.christoph.G.: chicken
.christoph.G.: iPhone SE
*Zorroplata: La casa de Puppy - The house of Puppy
FotographyKS!: The posing birds!
JDS-photo: Castle in the Hills
FotographyKS!: The bells decorating the market of Pushkar!
robra photography []O]: that's not my fault
roksoslav: Holy Quran
rafael.pereira: _RSP4473-3
rafael.pereira: _RSP4471-3
fabrizio daminelli : Ischnura pumilio - Charpentier, 1825 - male
jeffclouet: Urban exploration
el_farero: Mercedes
brian.bemmels: Plastic Fork
Alec Lux: Nieuwpoort Pier III
Casete: High Desert Sky
fabrizio daminelli : Libellula depressa - Linnaeus, 1758
Casete: South Rim Panorama
Jörg Wanderer Photography: Brooklyn Bridge Night Light
mailhog00: empire state from Perry St Pier with a touch of fog