+MarkMcClure+: #yellow
Design Festa: Japanese Cosplayer
OneFineDay:美好一日: #大稻埕 #青草茶 #降火氣 不明因素失眠,數日下來黑眼圈到達鬼故事等級。我懷疑可能是猛暑、又或者可能是正常老化、可能是夏夜被活潑的蟑螂驚嚇心裡有陰霾、可能可能可能是白日看報被極權統治者千年來總是重演焚書坑儒氣得胸膛火氣亂竄。最受不了說謊言,以及不說不問,和諧地一齊擺脫道德與責任。
+MarkMcClure+: Sneaky peek at a screenprint soon to be available via @lookupprints - details soon. #abstract #abstractart #abstraction #urbanart #geometricart #geometry #geometric #london #urbancontemporary #constructivism #architectural #painting #architecture #markmcc
+MarkMcClure+: Getting our #install going on for @tentlondon at the @trumanbrewery #london with Mat @legionofodd Lenik. Come say hello at stand D09. #markmcclure #markmcclurestudio #wood #painting #mosaic #surfacedesign #london #graphicart #urban #architecture #urbancon
renegadecraft: #RenegadeChicago is happening in just 2 weeks along Division Street - head over to our blog to find out what's coming to our town. Hint: it's a lot! http://ift.tt/Pki7zf #renegadecraftfair
+MarkMcClure+: Two of the three skull collaborations with @matthewknightart for #Intersubjective #exhibition - still going strong at @gogalleryamsterdam #Amsterdam #wood #sculpture wood #painting #recycle #foundwood #abstract #contemporaryart #graphicart #urbancontempor
Even /..................: 【農食學堂:仲。夏。桃。醉】餐會講座-場地 (3)
♥I'm smallbamboo♥: 姐 好帥。 好想去麻豆地獄拍時尚大片。 Photo by RUE58
malota: July is here!
Marcomics: ROCKU
Even /..................: 【農食學堂:仲。夏。桃。醉】餐會講座-活動人物側拍 (4)
AmberBeCool: 第二十五屆金曲獎最佳專輯《我是海雅谷慕》慶功party,左起 經紀人喬治、歌手本人、製作人老賈、忘了縮肚子的老闆Landy。
♥I'm smallbamboo♥: 本人最近最喜歡的一套穿搭!現在連續fitting十幾小時還在fi苦中做樂來po一下~~黑魔女fu皮上衣from blank goth ~~~最近發現全部來自日本正宗古着店愛炸~而且都很划算~立即購入兩面穿的假褲子!叫@somerare tokyo outlet 在東區大推!https://m.facebook.com/somerareformjapan
Design Festa: Richard the Rockstar
Design Festa: Japanese Punk Band Live
Design Festa: Japanese Punk Band Drummer
Minifanfan / Gee Fan Eng: "Mirror mirror in the pocket, who is the cutest in the world?" Illustrated pocket mirrors will be available in Public Garden market this weekend, Sat 21-Sun 22, 1-7pm at *SCAPE's Playscape on Level 1. #minifanfan #pocketmirror #mirror #drawing #illustra
vista: 楊照:「摩羯座比處女座還要堅持,就好比村上春樹。」
bestguy: 咖啡攤 - Flick Photo Walk - Dihua St., Taipei
AmberBeCool: upload
AmberBeCool: 迪化街 #flickrdihuast #flickr10photowalk
Bubi Au Yeung: I love this shop/gallery a lot n want to buy everything there #berlin
windkoh: #LawakKampusMoodz Sticker! Percuma!!!
gemma correll: bored games
Siegfy: DaVe Style