latentsifier: Yellowstone Grand Canyon
Claradon: Clara's Mother's Day Roses
Life Imitates Doodles: Plain-Chain Tangle Pattern
Claradon: Another Amazing Circle
ledenzer: Weekly Challenge #52: "give"
Noctem Wolf: Babylon
Noctem Wolf: Laundry Line
country 15: fiesta !!
s_j_60010 - sue jacobs: Happy Holidays
TimelessRituals: Happy Holidays!
Claradon: A Card - For all my Flickr Friends
serendipity312: What I did while proctoring the ACT...
serendipity312: For Alison's Happy Heart Day
ledenzer: Weekly Challenge #52: "give"
Life Imitates Doodles: Hung with a New Rope
vicmelhorse: crosshatched Christmas tree
s_j_60010 - sue jacobs: alphabet soup V-Z
Miraculous Mosquito: 'Flower Explosion' - A Drawing Tutorial Video by Miraculous Mosquito.
Ireland.Brady: My Inner Elfs w:white border
Ireland.Brady: A World Of Our Own
Ireland.Brady: The Art Of Becoming One's Being
ledenzer: The value of light!
BellatrixTangles: Steampunked in Purple
ledenzer: Santa too
ledenzer: I love finding collectible Santas and tangling my version
ledenzer: Decorating
ledenzer: IMG_0306
ledenzer: Weekly Challenge #51: New Tangle, FIFE
ledenzer: Snowman