Garry1968: Male Sparrowhawk
flyfishermike: Belted Kingfisher
Brittamay: Home security!
flyfishermike: Viceroy Profile
♥ Mary Moore: Connie's Vignette
Dianne M.: what a face
Jim Frazee: Song Sparrow Lovin' Life
flyfishermike: Red Winged Black bird
flyfishermike: Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Charlie Hickey: G2WD-Strymon melinus-120529-001.jpg
Dougeee: Zale face
flyfishermike: True Love
graftedno1: Sphinx Moth
flyfishermike: Big Moon
Mean and Pinchy: You better
Mean and Pinchy: Polly-femus Girl
D200-PAUL: Panorama of Very Narrow Upper Antelope Canyon, Arizona
daniele.rossi: diagonale...
guysamsonphoto: Retour aux nuages / Back To Clouds
H e l l y: Cosmos
jocountry2009: Fancy
David Walenga: Up Up and Away!!!!!
dolphin13469: little sparrow on the bridle
Charlie Hickey: G2VD-Ancyloxypha numitor-100726
bluntrooster: August 5: Carousel
Rseb: Tramway surplombant le periph
Tony Gálvez: Tucán toco / Toco toucan