dolphin13469: all my gold ;-)
dolphin13469: little one in the snow
dolphin13469: snowtree
dolphin13469: sunny snow
dolphin13469: very cold
dolphin13469: White little flowers
dolphin13469: Two of my wonderful Kids
dolphin13469: Berlin Church
dolphin13469: Verloren ?
dolphin13469: Weihnachtsmarkt
dolphin13469: Christmas market
dolphin13469: Schneebedeckt
dolphin13469: Christmas light
dolphin13469: Dorfkirche
dolphin13469: Schnee liegt in der Luft
dolphin13469: Cold in Berlin
dolphin13469: sunlightflower
dolphin13469: Spiegelbild
dolphin13469: kleiner alpaca
dolphin13469: butterfly
dolphin13469: Wolken zum anfassen
dolphin13469: soft yellow
dolphin13469: small beetle
dolphin13469: Ant on flower
dolphin13469: Dewdrop
dolphin13469: Sankt Martin
dolphin13469: a nap on the old tree root
dolphin13469: Summer Wildflowers