cees 1944: A beautiful morning in September
metsemakers: Silhouettes
shay connolly: 0Y2A9462
shay connolly: 0Y2A9361
shay connolly: 0Y2A2519
shay connolly: 0Y2A2520
Peter Orford: Wood and stones
Jay Berg1: 100% Red
Peter Orford: Trioplan 50 mm soap bubbles @ 2.9
Peter Orford: Daffodils taken with Trioplan vintage lens 1955
Peter Orford: "If I had wings"
Peter Orford: Detail from a bowl of flowers
Peter Orford: Standing out from the shadows
DepictingPhotos: Praying for a refill!
Minder Cheng: Caterpillar of Anise Swallowtail (Papilio zelicaon) on Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
IrishRedKite: 2Y4A8480
IrishRedKite: 2Y4A9800-TULIPS
IrishRedKite: 2Y4A9925Long Eared Owl
IrishRedKite: 2Y4A0883-2 JAY
Clem Mason: DSCF3813_C
Peter Orford: Light and Shadow
Jay Berg1: Tough Tines
Jay Berg1: The mystery of abstract
Jay Berg1: Simplicity
Jay Berg1: Speed Reading
Jay Berg1: Just a flash
Peter Orford: Tadhg's Toes in Colour Easter Sunday 040421
clarke.pj: 1380