mirosławkról: Welcome 2025!
Obsies: Z92_5423©MC
Jan.Timmons: Spotted Towhee—a female, perhaps
Rafal Szozda: Czapla Siwa, Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) ...
Jim Cumming: Great Grey owl wings
Waving lights in the dark: Messianic Maniac
Landscape Photography Magazine: Jokulsarlon, Iceland by Andrea Celli
Rodrick Dale: Esmee Christmas Portrait
Ignacio Ferre: Pied Flycatcher
Through Serena's Lens: Santa Claus is coming!
Millie Cruz (On and Off): Christmas gnome
Fernando_Iglesias: Trimeresurus venustus
dave dube': Flash employed
metsemakers: Dark Food Photography
oldsansui: Sansui 8010 Stereo Receiver
Bilal.tgd: Vipera ammodytes
dwb838: Barred Owl hunting in the forest
nalle_folkblom: _MG_1992b
P.Bonenfant: White-winged Crosssbill - Bec-Croisé Bifascié
ftm599: Kestrel
Ron Winkler nature: Dunlin (Calidris alpina) Bonte strandloper
JLS@Photos: Frog, Grenouille
traveler1304: in the middle of things, rather than just being there
WalrusTexas: The Gift
Ted Holm Photography: A young snowy egret nestles quietly among the brush, its white plumage blending with the dappled light.
vrgsrkla92: Run like the wind....
Obsies: Z91_9269©MC
sure2talk: xmas xylography