mikecogh: F2F Planning Meeting #1
mikecogh: Cubist Architecture
mikecogh: Checking the Phone in the Corner
mikecogh: Planning Space
mikecogh: Walking Down the Hall
mikecogh: Resting Place
mikecogh: F2F Planning Meeting #2
mikecogh: F2F Planning Meeting #2
mikecogh: F2F Planning Meeting #2
mikecogh: Darwin Airport Resort
mikecogh: Pre-Conference Lunch
mikecogh: Simon and Carole Over Lunch
mikecogh: Action in Big Space
mikecogh: CDU Gym
mikecogh: Pre-Conference Campus Tour
mikecogh: Bill Introducing the Campus Tour
mikecogh: Explaining
mikecogh: Delegates in Art Gallery
mikecogh: Bill Explains
mikecogh: Tiwi Shima
mikecogh: Colour Chart
mikecogh: Headlines
mikecogh: Simon with Muslim Statues :)
mikecogh: Ticket Office Model
mikecogh: Console
mikecogh: Offline
mikecogh: Music Studio
mikecogh: Leo Gaggl - Blending In
mikecogh: Peace Wheel
mikecogh: Self-Paced Learning