mikecogh: Gums
mikecogh: Road Lined with Gums
mikecogh: Old Government House
mikecogh: Peony Bloom
mikecogh: Old Government House
mikecogh: Servant Quarters
mikecogh: Old Government House
mikecogh: Checkered Paving
mikecogh: Rose 'Tree'
mikecogh: Wildflowers
mikecogh: Wildflowers
mikecogh: Wildflowers
mikecogh: Path
mikecogh: Glistening Leaves
mikecogh: Wildflowers
mikecogh: Wildflowers
mikecogh: Ant Mound
mikecogh: Wildflowers
mikecogh: Contemplating
mikecogh: Elizabeth Poppins
mikecogh: Ant Mound
mikecogh: Lake
mikecogh: Ribbon
mikecogh: Picnic Ground
mikecogh: Distant Elizabeth!
mikecogh: Picnic Hut
mikecogh: View from Park Bench
mikecogh: Mt Lofty TV Towers
mikecogh: Vines in the Setting Sun
mikecogh: Vines and Valley (Uraidla)