mikecogh: Coney Island Subway Station
mikecogh: Waiting for Summer
mikecogh: Visual Clutter
mikecogh: Former (?) Parachute Tower
mikecogh: Ferris Wheel at Coney Island
mikecogh: Coney Island Beach
mikecogh: On the Boardwalk
mikecogh: On the Empty Boardwalk
mikecogh: Sideshow Rocket
mikecogh: Empty Boardwalk
mikecogh: What the?
mikecogh: 200 Languages in NYC
mikecogh: Coney Island School Buses
mikecogh: Playing Handball
mikecogh: Elevated Railway (Coney Island)
mikecogh: Russia on the Beach - Closed
mikecogh: Apartment Living
mikecogh: Empty Boardwalk
mikecogh: Russian Neighbourhood
mikecogh: Brighton, NY
mikecogh: Pedestrian Crossing
mikecogh: New Yorkers
mikecogh: A Coney Island Street
mikecogh: Overhead Subway
mikecogh: Local Business
mikecogh: Bare Trees on Cold Drab Street
mikecogh: DSCN5761
mikecogh: Shoes Want You
mikecogh: hotdog_comp