Fondation Jeunes en Tête: 13 Bal du maire de la Fondation Jeunes en Tête - 1 million de mercis !
beluga 7: Chateau Frontenac
DanielKHC: Icescape
cowgirlrightup: Laser Sharp Focus
San Diego Shooter: She is wonderful
cowgirlrightup: If you like acupuncture just come closer
clickclique: Rose Breasted Grosbeak
David Hamments: _DSC1920 Pano
hjuengst: Dream beach
beluga 7: L'heure magique /golden hour
PhilArt : Marais du Nord
PhilArt : La passerelle
HOWARD BRODSKY ON & OFF: This is Kodi a German Shorthaired Pointer incredible machine of determination and consistency and incredible stamina .
PhilArt : Parc de l'escarpement
cowgirlrightup: I find this amoosing!
cowgirlrightup: Can I have some?
James Neeley: Always Remember
Marie-Claude Paquette: Les tchouettes!
cowgirlrightup: ~Ever Shifting Cloud Hat~
cowgirlrightup: Who's Hungry?
beluga 7: Parc Omega
San Diego Shooter: Hip rollerskating girl
cowgirlrightup: Evening Lilac Seed Delight
beluga 7: La fontaine de Tourny
minorhdez: Red wine!
cbjphoto: Wrapped up
cbjphoto: Standing guard