sdupimages: Smell Like Teen Spirit
Romair: Pepper Jack And Cheddar On A Triscuit
Martin Bärtges: Mold cheese - My entry for todays "Macro Mondays" theme "Cheese"
PhilDL: Macro Mondays - Cheese
hehaden: Pretty things
setoboonhong: Needle In A Lace
Mary Ann Whitney-Hall: Macro Mondays- stitch
Graella: Embroidery
Karon Elliott Edleson: Durable stitches! - Macro Mondays - "stitch"
timeinabox: The Odd One - Stitch - Macro Mondays
PhilR1000: Small & Mighty
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: heart of my heart - Mother’s Day
Katharine’s photos: It’s not the size that matters, it’s how you use it!
Tom Bognar Photography: One turns the Other
Ro Cafe: Fruit
amy abrew: paint brush
Eric Lu Photography: R55_4059 (Mountain Bluebird)
Leanne HS: "5 letters" - Syrup
sdupimages: Wasabi
klickpix70: monochrome dreams
Franks Photos!: Come Softly To Me......
J.Weyerhäuser: HMM - Macro Mondays - Texture Muschel mit Seepocken
CheshireSteve: Golden Texture
hehaden: A well earned rest
ulla.smidt-berner: The texture of your imagination
Hélène Baudart: MacroMondays Texture