wanderinggrrl: Bennu, the Resident Great Blue Heron, Catches Our Koi
wanderinggrrl: Sea Puppy
wanderinggrrl: BJ2G8547
wanderinggrrl: Prince Charming and His Fae
wanderinggrrl: Play Sequence - Sub-Adult Bald Eagle Plays with Fir Cone #2 (4 of 6)
wanderinggrrl: Play Sequence - Sub-Adult Bald Eagle Hanging, Swinging and Falling through Fir Trees (10 of 12)
wanderinggrrl: Play Sequence - Sub-Adult Bald Eagle with Fir Cone (9 of 9)
wanderinggrrl: Play Sequence - Sub-Adult Bald Eagle with Fir Cone (8 of 9)
wanderinggrrl: Play Sequence - Sub-Adult Bald Eagle with Fir Cone (6 of 9)
wanderinggrrl: Soaked (Chestnut-backed Chickadee)
wanderinggrrl: Leveling Up in Food Capture Skill (Juvenile Gull)
Lynn photographing the world: Evening Mountain Beauty
Lynn photographing the world: Golden-tailed Sapphire in the Rain
sdawesy1: Fallow Deer ( Dama dama )
wanderinggrrl: Sentinel
Todd Aki: and the beast
dshoning: Autumn Visitor
Wendy E. Miller: Burrowing Owls
shay connolly: 3H8A2518
LEXPIX_: Morning light
tomblandford: Role Reversal
tomblandford: Sure Footed
tomblandford: Greedy Moose Calf
wanderinggrrl: Anna's Hummingbird (Female)
wanderinggrrl: Frolicing Fawn
wanderinggrrl: False Advertising (Barn Swallow)
wanderinggrrl: Big Target