mediocre: Musical church benches
mediocre: Going for a swim
mediocre: Punto Allen, Sian Ka'an biosphere
mediocre: Nesting osprey
mediocre: Tropical shores
mediocre: Siempre los topes
mediocre: The weather is here, wish you were beautiful
mediocre: The reef at Sian Ka'an
mediocre: Punta Allen perritos
mediocre: Cooling down
mediocre: Sian Ka'an road
mediocre: Oh hello dolphins
mediocre: Sian Ka'an
mediocre: Niños de Punto Allen
mediocre: Temple of Chaac
mediocre: Ze big one
mediocre: Climbing Nohoch Mul
mediocre: View on the Temple of the Warriors
mediocre: Hey, I get to be on a picture!
mediocre: The big cenote
mediocre: Ball court from above
mediocre: Templo Mayor
mediocre: A long way down
mediocre: Tzompantli, altar of the skulls
mediocre: Ball court
mediocre: Group of the Thousand Columns
mediocre: Chac-Mool
mediocre: Templo Mayor, Chichen Itza
mediocre: Grave of the high priest