mediocre: Observatory
mediocre: First look at the big one
mediocre: Chaac, begging for some rain
mediocre: Climbing the big steps
mediocre: Going down on the great pyramid
mediocre: Climbing back down
mediocre: Chichen Itza
mediocre: Taking a picture
mediocre: Egon is still enjoying it here
mediocre: The big one
mediocre: Gaping maw as a temple door
mediocre: Nunnery Quadrangle
mediocre: Evening in Mérida
mediocre: Guano temple
mediocre: Lots of Chaacs on the Governor's Palace
mediocre: Photographing the flowers
mediocre: Decending is more difficult
mediocre: Nicely camouflaged
mediocre: Double Jaguar Throne
mediocre: House of the Birds
mediocre: House of the Birds
mediocre: View over central Uxmal
mediocre: Jessica on top of Uxmal's Large Pyramid
mediocre: Ballcourt
mediocre: Pigeonholes
mediocre: Climbing La Gran Pyramide
mediocre: The Governor's Palace
mediocre: The Governor's Palace
mediocre: La Gran Pyramide