Tibor Nagy: Graphocephala coccinea candy-striped leafhopper
Tibor Nagy: Formica sanguinea slave maker ant
andre govia.: Beetle graveyard
Lord V: I've really put my foot in it this time - Hoverfly on camellia leaf #4
markhortonphotography: Malaysia Airlines A380 Display - Farnborough 2012
karthik Nature photography: Potter Wasp With Paralzed Caterpillar
andredekesel: Volucella - Ivoorzweefvlieg
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Hubble Uncovers a Mysterious Hermit
johnhallmen: 8-spotted jewel
andredekesel: Dysdera crocata
andrea hallgass: Dioctria cf. rufipes (De Geer, 1776)
Mariette80: Couleurs du jardin
ronang: A Mantis enjoying his lunch.
Rinaldo R: Open mouth
Lorraine1234: Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf.
eddy_737: Green Snake
Harvey Young: Lancaster 1
MaxSkyMax: Audience
raffaeledirosa: Connemara, Ireland
HGerritsen: Koeien
fe antonio: Mercado Tirso de Molina
Daz Smith: the cello player & scooter girl
Riccardo Peloso: Waiting at the lake
Panos Kanderes: POSEIDON *ExpLorE*
dcstep: Mommy, daddy, we're over here...
Sergio Battaglia: Empusa Pennata (Femmina)
mcgreevymike: View from the top of Mt. Mitchell, NC