juliestein: DSCF1477
SD Public Broadcasting: Rapid City Blizzard of 2013
Josh Kesner: DSCF3641
pohang: DSC04501
juliestein: IMG_4004
juliestein: IMG_3827
Josh Kesner: DSCF9141
Don Hudson: Detroit, MI 2013
stevensiegel260: NY in the 80s 211
Jan Cieślikiewicz: Switzerland, 2013
stevensiegel260: NJ Meadowlands 57
abrockhouse: Abrock_Card2_0168
abrockhouse: Abrock_Card2_1173
abrockhouse: Abrock_Card1_0338-2
Don Hudson: Disneyland, CA 1976
Several seconds: high chairs
Josh Kesner: 5D3_8216
MTAPhotos: NYCT_7244
MTAPhotos: Escalator under Water @ South Ferry
Smithsonian Institution: Photograph of Charles Lewis Gazin's field work and collecting in Wyoming, 1941
DOE - Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management: American Red Cross Committee Oak Ridge