roland: i wake up i don't know where i've been :-) 20190531_192133
roland: "i wake up i don't know where i've been :-) " 20181213_074707
roland: propellor :-)
roland: samsung note 8 firefox 58 android 7.1 Screenshot_20180129-182200
roland: 650 a.m. on the way to the Firefox 57 Quantum launch :-) IMG_20171114_192221_650
Ape Lad: Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #2940
roland: sometimes blurry is enough :-)
SBaschung: Sangliers
roland: Red IMG_2017-06-15_11_14_41
roland: Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before IMG_2017-07-18_08_40_23_bw.jpg
roland: swing time in honolulu :-) ! j/k it's the revolver hot water tap!
geneathan: wonderboy
Ape Lad: a recent design
Jens Inge Ringstad: September Beach
Därrä: Untitled photo
roland: before the car drove by IMG_20151005_125726_476
Lynn Morag: The Rainbow Below
roland: empty archive by @revolver_coffee-vancouver-xe2-zeiss35-2-20150429-DSCF6005.jpg
roland: 89 man at work -vancouver-gastown-xe2-zeiss35-2-20150414-DSCF5728-Edit.jpg
Lynn Morag: Dunvegan Castle
roland: epic is your red foliage
roland: 70-every cloud is epic - -vancouver-gastown-xe2-zeiss35-2-20150318-DSCF5431-Edit.jpg
roland: epic is your reflection
roland: 59-crazy clouds over woodwards - -vancouver-gastown-xe2-zeiss35-2-20150224-DSCF5156-Edit.jpg
roland: love your roast pork at daisy garden! n6-fv5-2015-02-04-18-10-00-0036
roland: 20141028_081002
Larch: Dans le train, la fin d'une journée de pluie. (End of a rainy day on the train)
Larch: Eclaircie (Sunny interval)
roland: lines - vancouver-v2-20141007-DSC_0048