wickensmurray: Curlew 2
Ludtz: Saint Clair
Jayris Lin: 2024 Kyoto D4-1159
walterjeffords: Snowy Egret
rook70031: Ring-billed Gull - Larus delawarensis
walterjeffords: Cardinal in the rain
sandhya.bhattaram: "Through the Darkness into the Light"
walterjeffords: Northern Cardinal female
walterjeffords: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Xx7trey: Metallic crab spider (Philodromus marxi)
Patrick Gallet: Plongeon du grèbe huppé
walterjeffords: Northern Cardinal
walterjeffords: Snowy Egret
Christoph Fischer: The Beauty in Simplicity - Highly effective tips for clean, powerful images!
walterjeffords: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
walterjeffords: Great Egrets
wesleybarr1962: look pretty, but.......
wesleybarr1962: so so many
wickensmurray: Stonechat 1
walterjeffords: Snowy Egret
Poppy1385: Blue Butterfly
alex987854: Green-veined whites
walterjeffords: Cattle Egret
walterjeffords: Blue Dasher
walterjeffords: Wood Stork
sandhya.bhattaram: Behind the scenes...
walterjeffords: Purple Gallinule Juvenile
searchlight557: Central Railroad of New Jersey F3A #56
walterjeffords: 19% illumination
baechli58: Bald Ibis