TON70: see the world
Roger Simon 2017: Tartan Scarf
Daniel.35690: Rocher de la Vierge . . . ABCédaire - Lettre R.
ℙαґḯṧḯ℮ηηε: un peu trop...beaucoup de détails...
Marian Kloon (on and off): Zzzzzzzz.......
ac4photos.: Ssshhhh... It's Monday, So Wake Me On Friday.
sdupimages: Under pressure.
GOLDFOCUS: under the red umbrella
MelindaChan ^..^: Village 浦美村
(Nicole): Sunrise at the Crane Festival Camden Town II, London, UK
Nikkichick88: Alanna autumn
crystalpix: Raven in Chic-a-Wink outfit
pattyvi: IMG_3953
Chris*Bolton: Lesser Redpoll
mhels_13: Algae
San Francisco Gal: Golden Firefall
J'AIME...: El nino y la naturaleza
Allan Ogg: Loch Chon
台豐: DSC09334
TOMATRES - CARLOS ROJO: Gaviotas de cerca - Near the seagulls. Entering Venice.
Lina @ Itraveld'world.: FLOWER :) Didn't I tell you, stop shopping without asking my persmission!! :( :( lol
Dhina A: Bokeh Square, Garden