elerossi94: IMG-20180310-WA0020
elerossi94: 20180308_145843
AndreaPucci: Il potere del mare / The power of the sea (Aldeburgh, Suffolk, United Kingdom)
AndreaPucci: Il vecchio cimitero / The old cemetery (Old Jewish Cemetery, Prague, Czech Republic)
AndreaPucci: Bellezza pericolosa / Dangerous beauty (London Zoo, London, United Kingdom)
AndreaPucci: La follia / the Folly (Broadway Tower, Worcestershire, United Kingdom)
ronnymariano: Lake reflections
pigianca: " La perla "
Geierwalli2: This winter morning.
NixyLynx: Los jitomates.
NixyLynx: Escultura
NixyLynx: La granada y su color.
S-400: banana-800
S-400: Molly
dccradio: Bacon.
photoholic1: Rainbow Glass 6914
Alessandro 1981: Rosa rossa e profondità di campo ridotta.
Alessandro 1981: Stadio Giuseppe Meazza - San Siro
ep_jhu: Sunset 7/9/2016
ep_jhu: Howard & Lightning
Wider World: Gable art
AndreaPucci: Gloria passata / Past Glory (Pisa, Tuscany, Italy)
Ciao Anita!: Who took the yellow pencil?
Bong Manayon: Raul's Day
AndreaPucci: Inferno privato / Private hell (Tower Bridge, London, United Kingdom)
planet-lotty: 8F4A4509_ps
AndreaPucci: Tra sogno e realtà / Between dreams and reality (Explore!!!)