Kutub Uddin...: Male Kingfisher
National Library of Ireland on The Commons: Neddies, ghosts, shawlies and corner boys galore!
Steve Byland: Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) 14-15 Days Old
D Laferriere: Bob the Unicorn with his morning coffee
flygrl67: Morro Bay and Baywood Park
Lisa Percival: I can't feel my legs and these guys don't care. At least they seem comfy though.
randomtruth: bobcat
flygrl67: Pinot Noir Chocolate Cupcakes
flygrl67: New Year's Day Hike 2014
Lightchaser: Breakthrough
Lisa Percival: Steve and Little Steve
Lisa Percival: Someone is at the door selling Squirrel Scout cookies
Lisa Percival: Sink is Clogged
randomtruth: sj kit foxes
Lisa Percival: Catnip Party Part 2
Steve Byland: Northern Cardinal
Steve Byland: Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)
Steve Byland: Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja)
David Gallagher: This Room is Equipped with Edison Electric Light
flygrl67: Lupinus nanus (Sky Lupine)
celta4: Orbis Lacteus
Brown Eyed Baker: A tower of doughnuts
Sara Heinrichs (awfulsara): yellow hill (a.k.a. find the bee)
Steve Byland: Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)
National Library of Ireland on The Commons: "He always had a dog with him"
The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County: Cedar Waxwings Visiting Pond At NHM Nature Gardens