anaafg: AnaFG
anaafg: AnaFG22
Etwin1: Little jumper
nickybay: Leaf Footed Bug (Coreidae) - DSC_5033
Fede Anselmo: "in and out" Same specie, one opened, the other closed!
Reverse Ring: Robber Fly
skol-louarn: la concurrente
Shamsul Hidayat Omar: Jumping Spider
ID-media: Wasp
EvanSky_: red lady bug
Xtophe71: Lucane
Xtophe71: Mouche
Xtophe71: Charençon au MP-E 65 mm
Ifyouleavethestreet: Paradeplatz Tram Station Zürich / B&W
anaafg: AnaFG01
anaafg: AnaFG06
anaafg: AnaFG08
anaafg: AnaFG10
cmescamilla: Ruby-crowned Kinglet IMG_6852edtsg2
Titole: Un petit coup de froid ****
Titole: A l'automne de la vie ****- °
Edward Langley: Where Have You Been?
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Clear-winged Forest Glory (Vestalis gracilis)
Paul Grand: path through pinewood mist