Reverse Ring: Kevin PhD Forensics
Reverse Ring: comic con cosplay b/w
Reverse Ring: comic con cosplay
Reverse Ring: Mini Mushroom Pie
Reverse Ring: MIni Mushroom pie with Spanish rice
Reverse Ring: Mini Mushroom Pies
Reverse Ring: Future winner Lizzie Armitstead with her teammates at the start
Reverse Ring: Ben King Hits Libby Hill
Reverse Ring: Libby Hill crowd enjoying the action
Reverse Ring: Lizzie Armitstead pushing on Libby Hill
Reverse Ring: Libby Hill inflicts pain
Reverse Ring: Lizzie Armitstead
Reverse Ring: Women Team USA at the start
Reverse Ring: Evelyn Stevens enjoying the sign in crowd
Reverse Ring: Taylor Phinney
Reverse Ring: Phinney leading the breakaway up Libby Hill
Reverse Ring: Calm before the storm