Dongosama: Tourments
Bill McDonald 2016: Northern Cardinal (male)
Bill McDonald 2016: Cedar Waxwing
Bill McDonald 2016: Brown Creeper .. creeping !!
Bill McDonald 2016: Dark-eyed Junco on Sumac
Bill McDonald 2016: Snow Bunting
Bill McDonald 2016: Cardinal (F)
Bill McDonald 2016: Horned Lark
Bill McDonald 2016: Red-bellied Woodpecker
Bill McDonald 2016: Coopers Hawk headshot
weezy55: IMGP0018
weezy55: Graham Thomas rose
Bill McDonald 2016: Northern Cardinal (M)
Ebroh: Eastern Water Dragon, Physignathus lesueurii lesueurii
Chridage: Maisfeld
Ebroh: Abutilon hybrid, Flowering Maple
Ebroh: 'Adolescence', Etchells
Bill McDonald 2016: Lesser Yellowlegs with Breakfast
Ebroh: Hollyhock, Alcea rosea
koen_jacobs: the returned
HemiDj7: Morning Light
Ebroh: Superb fairy-wren, Malurus cyaneus, female
Chridage: Taubenschwänzchen 2
Eric M (Pentaxiste): Nicobar à camail
Bill McDonald 2016: Cerulean Warbler
Bill McDonald 2016: Yellow-throated Warbler
starc283: 248A9916 cedar wax wing
Luís Freitas: Cuco-rabilongo Clamator glandarius