Love comments but delete awards-Jan F. Rasmussen: Ornithospila lineata - Thaton2015_08_24_22_06_DxO
Love comments but delete awards-Jan F. Rasmussen: Exeliopsis sp. - Thaton2015_08_27_05_31_03_DxO
Love comments but delete awards-Jan F. Rasmussen: Discoglypha hampsoni - Thaton2015_08_27_09_38_02_DxO
martymac2010: IMG_1056 stone circles
martymac2010: IMG_7119 field
martymac2010: IMG_7128 farlough 32
martymac2010: DSCF5423 buzzard
gcampbellphoto: Dunlin (Calidris alpina)
gcampbellphoto: Welcome Back - Barn Swallow
gcampbellphoto: Welcome Back - Barn Swallow
gcampbellphoto: Farewell - Light Bellied Brent (Branta bernicla hrota)
gcampbellphoto: Pairing Up - Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula)
anneke1998: DSCF1822
anneke1998: Ruddy Highflyer
IrishRedKite: _DSC0203 Happy Sparrowhawk
IrishRedKite: _DSC0161 Budgie
IrishRedKite: _DSC0668 Male Chaffinch
EYoung84: waxwings
IrishRedKite: _DSC0347 Fermoyle beach Dingle Kerry - 1
IrishRedKite: _DSC0316 Fermoyle beach Dingle Kerry - 2
IrishRedKite: _DSC0356 Fermoyle beach Dingle Kerry - 3
Merci pour 10M de vues. Thanks for 10M views 10M: Chouette lapone/ Great grey owl
Merci pour 10M de vues. Thanks for 10M views 10M: Chouette lapone/ Great grey owl
Merci pour 10M de vues. Thanks for 10M views 10M: Chouette lapone/ Great grey owl
cfischephoto: "A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion if his consciousness. This kind of delusion is