cfischephoto: Always
cfischephoto: Moments
cfischephoto: The curiosity of a cat never ceases to amaze me #travel #africa #animal #animais #animals #animaladdict #animallovers #animalsaddict #canon #canon_photos #canon_official #conservation #wild #wildlife #wildlifeaddict #wildlife
cfischephoto: Two male lions relaxing after a long few days on the run. Their territory was faded by a pair of old male lions, and forced the pride to relocate for a few days. #travel #africa #animal #animais #animals #animaladdict #animal
cfischephoto: The question is, are we happy to suppose our grandchildren may never see an elephant except in a picture book? - David Attenborough. One of the most profoundly important quotes of our generation. #travel #africa #animal #
cfischephoto: Two young Lion cubs wrestle early one evening in the Tuli block of southern Botswana. Hoping to return there later this year for another project. #travel #africa #animal #animais #animals #animaladdict #animallovers #animalsa
cfischephoto: I love sunsets. There is something comforting in knowing that as I settle in for the night, tomorrow, the sun will rise back up and the wind will once again sweep across the open plains. No different that it had hundreds of years ago. www.cfischerphotog
cfischephoto: To all the missed shots and all the failed attempts. To the long nights and early mornings with nothing to show for it and all things that got in the way of my pursuit of the perfect image. To these things I want to say thank you, thank you for giving me
cfischephoto: Tracking and photographing a moving baboon, let alone a baboon jumping from a tree is a special kind of difficult. In the time it took to get one shot, I probably missed 200
cfischephoto: My latest toy. A 6x7 medium format mamiya. This thing is going to be fun
cfischephoto: Two leopard Cubs wrestle high up in a tree in southern Botswana.
cfischephoto: It was only a split second. She stopped right in front of us, turned and stared straight at me, as if to give me one good shot, one split second to capture a portrait before she was off again
cfischephoto: Sometimes you sit and wait for hours, simply to see them open their eyes.
cfischephoto: A lilac breasted roller takes off from his perch high up in a dead snag
cfischephoto: A female leopard sits high up in a tree as she watches a lion walk off with her meal.
cfischephoto: Even after a long day, this photo always makes me smile
cfischephoto: A large bull elephant carefully approached us. The caution he used, almost like he was trying to be inconspicuous about it was absolutely hilarious.
cfischephoto: Three female lions on the hunt early one morning in Duba Plains, Botswana.
cfischephoto: I love watching lion cubs play.
cfischephoto: The up close and personal look from a big bull along the Chobe River in northern Botswana.
cfischephoto: I don't often share pictures like this, but love how this turned out. If anyone is interested in a print, even an extra large one, take a look.
cfischephoto: It's frightening how difficult the life of a wild animal can be. Even with our daily struggles, I often think we cannot even fathom how hard that life is.
cfischephoto: It's the quiet moments I like the most.
cfischephoto: There is always a reason to get up and see the sunrise
cfischephoto: I thought this little guy way amazing. He sat there, stoic, as his siblings frolicked and played. He simply watched, already far to serious for his age. #travel #africa #animal #animais #animals #animaladdict #animallovers #
cfischephoto: You can never surpass the crispness and depth of field from a prime lens. How I miss that 600mm #travel #africa #animal #animais #animals #animaladdict #animallovers #animalsaddict #canon #canon_photos #canon_official #conser
cfischephoto: Still has to be one of the hardest animals to photograph, and for so many reasons. Still, they are quite striking! Thanks to @planet_of_animals for the share this morning. #travel #africa #animal #animais #animals #animaladd
cfischephoto: A lion portrait taken by spotlight late one evening in South Africa. #travel #africa #animal #animais #animals #animaladdict #animallovers #animalsaddict #canon #canon_photos #canon_official #conservation #wild #wildlife #wil
cfischephoto: Black and white images often say a great deal more than a color photograph. The subtle texture, the blending of light and shadow, it simply love to work in black and white. #travel #africa #animal #animais #animals #animaladd
cfischephoto: My Kickstarter campaign needs your help. Check out: #travel #africa #animal #animais #animals #animaladdict #animallovers #animalsaddict #canon #canon_photos #canon_official #conservation #wild #wildlife #wildlifeaddict #wil