Jamal Benamer: Butterfly on a Leaf
manposanpo: Cleome hassleriana/醉蝶花/クレオメ(酔蝶花・風蝶草)
MedicineMan4040: Hiding among Drops
LocalOzarkian Photography - Ozarks/ Route 66 Photo: Gay Parita Sinclair Service Station - Route 66
borjoz -thx for (half)Million views :): MonochromeGlacierL1011692
octavia florea: So many stories!
CvK Photography: Blue Mountains, Australia
Maria_Globetrotter: A lonely elephant - Serengeti national park, Tanzania
ksikappa: Rain Rain Go Away
beverlyks: Step 1: Twist
Jose RL: 54/365 Don't fence
Valerie Peters: twist ties...
WordsofJoi: Twine II
Di's Eyes: 5277. Cork screw
Bellatchitchi: Hélicoïde
Bellatchitchi: Twist and shout ...
yoganand.c: Origami Spiral Twist
Vincent_Ting: Cherry Blossoms
belincs: A Flower in B&W [2]
Ben Wightman: Black & White Cineraria
Virginia Rivers: Black and White Rose: Macro Monday Challenge B/W flowers
SETShots: The shadow rose
siriusdebbie: skeletal flower in b & w ~ hmm