Jon Mangaba: tunél de tempo 1
Leka Hasselind 岭影人: Stay Away From The Closed Studio
Ba®ky: Going down with the ship
abstractartangel77: November on the Forest Floor
franzisko hauser: In the grief after a lost battle...
picPick: Kyoto I-0028
shawn~white: Llŷn Peninsula from Ceredigion
picPick: Kyoto I-0028b
bob the builder of luv: Aesthetic of a dead bird
picPick: Kyoto I-0029
picPick: Kyoto I-0032
Geraint Rowland Photography: Otherworldly Abstract
MedicineMan4040: Birds of a feather
stevenoldak1: A Breakaway .. Flushing Bay Queens NY
stevenoldak1: Where you going? .. the weather is beautiful right here!
faustonadal: sant miquel del fai
skizo39: Cotorra
Sylvia Okkerse: trees in autumn ,late in the afternoon
Sylvia Okkerse: the ven on a foggy afternoon
picPick: Kyoto I-0027
picPick: Kyoto I-0042
patrick.verstappen: Monument
Sylvia Okkerse: various mushrooms on a tree stump
grizzleur: ck.dreams
artistic works using artificial intelligence: Reus - IA (brilliant woman) - Baix Camp
artistic works using artificial intelligence: Reus - IA (Spiderman overweight) - Baix Camp
soniaadammurray - On & Off: A Pretty Wildflower