Valerie Peters: dragonfly up close - 8/3/08
view of MT: McDonald Creek - Glacier National Park
view of MT: 8-3 Glacier National Park
NannaX3: Yellow fellow
justmakeit: Some tongue
Valerie Peters: framed - 7/18/08
NannaX3: Sunflower sunrise
NannaX3: Curled tongue
view of MT: 7-9 flying seed pod
miss.bailey: just living is not enough. one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.
justmakeit: 365/182 Fireworks on the Fourth
Hodge Hill Photography: Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.
Valerie Peters: summer - 6/26/08
Skeller5: Outstanding in its Field
view of MT: morning walk 3
justmakeit: 365/176 Purple coneflower in waiting
Skeller5: Ranuncula
Valerie Peters: rain, rain go away...6/23/08
grandpaspix: Bluebirds in the yard
Skeller5: Agapanthus in Bloom in the Evening
NannaX3: A starlings colorful side
Kaos2: happy bokeh wednesday( real ingenious title eh?)
♥ Hazed ♥: Each flower is a soul blossoming out to nature....
earthandskye: 0607 Weightless 159/365
hlngre23: Am I a weed or a flower?
Skeller5: Agapanthus
Valerie Peters: barn - 6/6/08