earthandskye: Brooklyn Bridge . Freedom Tower . Diwali Celebration
earthandskye: Love kisses
earthandskye: All grown up
earthandskye: .waterboy
earthandskye: newborn smiles
earthandskye: precious toes
earthandskye: some saw, some didn't
earthandskye: He sang the song he wrote her when he proposed <3
earthandskye: Superboy
earthandskye: Day 2 Revitalization
earthandskye: Day 1 Revitalization
earthandskye: .soundly sleeping
earthandskye: .partly subMERGED
earthandskye: Peaceful and content
earthandskye: . T E S L A .
earthandskye: Kool Kid, Kool Lens
earthandskye: Hard at work at the library.
earthandskye: 1126 Blowing bokehs 331/365
earthandskye: 0604 Rockin' Bokeh 156/365
earthandskye: Facing reality
earthandskye: Mama to be
earthandskye: my little pumpkin
earthandskye: Calmness.
earthandskye: present and beautiful
earthandskye: 3.16.11