Evelyn Tannus: Figa do signo de Libra
Evelyn Tannus: Yemanjás
Nobuki: Karl Lagerfeld's living room
mroth: If only things were that simple
Piedmont Pet LLC: My new orange friend, Helios Julio
Doggy Lama Pet Care: "How does that make you feel?"
mroth: over there
Hound Around Pet Services: the big and the little
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Shiloh a.k.a. The Chocolate Bunny
speesenthal: IMG_3041
Green Dog Pet Care: Banjo is a good sleeper
vintagegoodness: Fire-King Vitrock Red Pots Range Set - Grease Jar Shakers
vintagegoodness: Vintage McKee Black Glass Roman Arch Range Shaker Set
mroth: happy faces
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Posie thinks about peanut butter.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: None too happy
Doggy Lama Pet Care: I got a fancy "dog was here" design on my jeans during our hike.
mroth: over the rainbow
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Pretty Posie
Green Dog Pet Care: Goa and I ran into Freddie!
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Flick and flack
Green Dog Pet Care: Ruby and Gracie, two very sweet girls.
Piedmont Pet LLC: Cool door knocker