Doggy Lama Pet Care: Our fearless leader, Molly, and her trusted wing-pug, Moishe
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Sarah rocks it with a winsome foursome.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: "First responder dog team ready for action!"
Doggy Lama Pet Care: "Don't make me turn around--can you just tell me if Cerberus, the three-headed hellhound, is still behind me?!"--Banjo the springer spaniel
Doggy Lama Pet Care: "Good to the last drop." --Seymour and Frito pugs hydrate after their walk!
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Lily and Parker coonhound
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Willow and Rudy were my Saturday evening neighborhood walk dates!
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Early morning smiles
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Early morning smiles
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Early morning smiles
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Early morning smiles
Doggy Lama Pet Care: "You're so close and yet so far away."--Banjo springer spaniel is not too happy that I'm gardening in the front yard without his help!
Doggy Lama Pet Care: We ended the week on a high note--great company in a beautiful place.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: We ended the week on a high note--great company in a beautiful place.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Galloping Memphis!
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Galloping Memphis!
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Maxine and Gumbo trot along in Claremont Canyon on the morning hike.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Maxine and Gumbo trot along in Claremont Canyon on the morning hike.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: We had a glorious afternoon hike on the Pyrite Trail in Leona Canyon.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: We had a glorious afternoon hike on the Pyrite Trail in Leona Canyon.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: We had a glorious afternoon hike on the Pyrite Trail in Leona Canyon.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: We had a glorious afternoon hike on the Pyrite Trail in Leona Canyon.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: We had a glorious afternoon hike on the Pyrite Trail in Leona Canyon.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: We had a glorious afternoon hike on the Pyrite Trail in Leona Canyon.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: We're having a great time hiking at Claremont Canyon today!
Doggy Lama Pet Care: "Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee!"
Doggy Lama Pet Care: We're having some early Sunday morning adventures at the dirt bike track!
Doggy Lama Pet Care: We're having some early Sunday morning adventures at the dirt bike track!
Doggy Lama Pet Care: We're having some early Sunday morning adventures at the dirt bike track!
Doggy Lama Pet Care: We're having some early Sunday morning adventures at the dirt bike track!