Federico Silin: Vivienda urbana
bii.lokiiilla: maullin city!
Noelegroj (Very busy 16 Millions+views): Playa Pangal - Patagonia Chilena Norte
Jose Luis Oliver: Puerto de Maullín
pangal1: Tienda de Maullín
wooldancer: day4 bundles
photographer69: DSC_2596.NEF
Samira Zaman: Sadu weaving
textileseahorse: post burning
textileseahorse: post burning detail
ulaniulani: light spiral
Redesign Magazine: צורי גואטה
Redesign Magazine: צורי גואטה
glennisd: weaving the moon
Fi@84: Work in Progress
Fi@84: Frosty hedgerow.
FeltedPleasure: Nuno Felted Scarf Custom
analu prestes: your body
analu prestes: Vitória-Régia
freeform by prudence: closeup of fabric in my wallhanging
Elise-filt: Basket made from birch
textileseahorse: nightmare #1 detail burnt
marchi.wierson: lacy knitting and bees wax
tkikot: Dandelions in the night
tinctory: back to the sea
JaneBoFELT: Felted bag Forest
scrappy annie: Yellow line on a pavement
namolio: Festival of quilts 2010