tkikot: Carrots
tkikot: Nautilus
tkikot: Geometrical play
tkikot: Expo in Florence
tkikot: Expo in Florence
tkikot: Expo in Florence
tkikot: Expo in Florence
tkikot: Expo in Florence
tkikot: Expo in Florence
tkikot: Expo in Florence
tkikot: Expo
tkikot: Orange trees
tkikot: Red in the evening...
tkikot: Perfect
tkikot: Limits
tkikot: Castello Aragonese
tkikot: Ischia Ponte
tkikot: Buon anno!
tkikot: Devil's fire
tkikot: ...
tkikot: Video-expo
tkikot: Expo-Union Art
tkikot: Expo-Union Art
tkikot: Expo-Union Art
tkikot: Expo-Union Art
tkikot: Expo-Union Art
tkikot: Expo-Union Art
tkikot: To plough the red sand
tkikot: Land Rover in the jungle
tkikot: It's time!