ChipM2008: Pied-billed Grebe
ricketdi: Sporophile grand chanteur - Yellow-faced grassquit
taronik: fine del percorso
EricBronson's Photography: IMG_0141 My one year old Siberian Husky
EricBronson's Photography: IMG_3202 Parrot
jm_villarroya: IMG_10033Cvs
Martial Mike: Paradise Flycatcher feeding
Pawsome33: Buster and new big friend
anacm.silva: Yellow-bellied Seedeater
ChicagoBob46: Splash Landing
bestshot_photos: Blue Bird version of Domestic Violence?
giovannimazz: DSC09149
EricBronson's Photography: IMG_5327~ In my dream
bestshot_photos: Roufus Hummer ....Lady in waiting
Marcello Bardi: Rospetto
Hans Surfer (where the action is): A walking Fauve Briard puppie!
Wild Pixel Safaris: I told you to stay away from him!!!
EricBronson's Photography: IMG_9280-Andean Cock-of-the-Rock (F)
EricBronson's Photography: IMG_5372 Glassy Tiger
EricBronson's Photography: IMG_3830 Black-backed Kingfisher
EricBronson's Photography: IMG_9324 Lesser Bird of Paradise (F)
EricBronson's Photography: IMG_3504 Black-backed Kingfisher.......
EricBronson's Photography: Sunrise @ Pasir Ris Beach
DavidAlan48: Kingfisher
normanwest4tography: Four-spotted Chaser - Libellula quadrimaculata
Bill L. Coulter: DSC_7608-AG - Blue Grosbeak - (Female) - Miami County, Kansas
kencrebbin: Yellow-rumped Warbler