Luiz Filipe Varella: bromélias da mata atlântica do Rio Grande do Sul
Almir Cândido de Almeida: Mata Atlântica
Luiz Filipe Varella: Cardeal-do banhado (Amblyramphus holosericeus) em árvore com orquídea Cattleya intermedia e outras orquídeas
christian.man12: bientôt Noël
Croix-roussien: Last tunnel before home
~ Floydian ~: In front of the mighty Schreckhorn - Switzerland
skizo39: Collage CVI
Stanley Zimny (Thank You for 73 Million views): Gate and Red Japanese Maple
Glenn Losack, MD: NYC101219
vdirenko: 191122-163459_Старая Русса
Jarek S. "Jerry": Kingfisher
Anthony White: Autumn Driveway
The Little Squirrel: s cherries s
The Little Squirrel: Blueberries2 s
~LiliAnn~: Deer Lake. Upper Peninsula
~LiliAnn~: Egrets
Luiz Filipe Varella: Tillandsia x Endler
Luiz Filipe Varella: Tillandsia geminiflora
Glenn Losack, MD: INDIA10915
Glenn Losack, MD: NYC00861/ 'In memory of 911 '