Bruwer Burger.: Swartkeelgeelvink / Masked Weaver
Falcon EyE: Little Dragon!
anacm.silva: The dance of flamingos
ilskonpics: Portrait of a chimp
MOZBOZ1: Cuckoo
andrea hallgass: Stenopogon sp. (Asilidae)
- JAM -: Las mellizas
babygreys: Oh they all look so tasty.....
wajahat malik: Om NOm Yummy ..!!!
WildImages: Leopard moving through tall grass 05880-01304
d-lilly ~ on and off for awhile: 'quite a challenge'
Calle Söderberg: The Queen of Robbers - _TNY_7635
Ring a Ding Ding: Mother, baby and .... pigeon
dane.dawg: Hummer
helenehoffman: Big Yawn
Thelma Gátuzzô: A very curious lady!
d-lilly ~ on and off for awhile: 'bites and pierces' ~ Explored
*Zorroplata: Si te acercas me enfado - If you get close I get angry
PETEJLB: Glossy Ibis
Wild Pixel Safaris: The Tiny Hunter!
Judylynn M.: Is This My Best Side ???????
Judylynn M.: Sunrise Over Merritt Island !!!!!!!!!!!
Judylynn M.: Am I Beautiful ?????????
Patricia Ware: Red Glow
John R. Chapman: The Challenge - Beisa Oryx
Mario Arana G: Magnificent Hummingbird-2