coach48: 61- GOST
perfect_man4noone: Sounds like a great thing to do
The Old Texan: Whitetail Buck Deer
snapdragginphoto: Boot Ranch
WanaM3: Looking forward to their return
WanaM3: I can relate
er_kohl: the new pinecone
Dave Roberts3: Mountain Air
Pat McDonald: After The Storm
snow41: Little bonnet girl quilt
snow41: Christmas Eve service at my church
Marianne de Wit: Wuppertal - Germany My Dream
Chic Bee: Sunrise Crepuscular Rays
crafty1tutu (Ann): Autumn bokeh and silhouettes
snow41: Clematis by the mailbox
snow41: April Iris and azaIea
snow41: Beautiful white flowers near Dr offices. Identify please
snow41: Purple Water Iris
snow41: Potato blossoms by my mailbox
Lance - 2009: Salt Marsh
novice09: Willys Sedan
novice09: corner windows
novice09: Old tractor
The Old Texan: Bluebonnet Hill
The Old Texan: Realtor Windmill. HWW
The Old Texan: Scissor-tailed flycatcher
The Old Texan: Red Barn HFF
DonaSite: Drive by (Photo) shooting in Amish Country.